"Ifyoıt cannot hear my gentle whispers then leî the harshlessons of life teach yon..."Corridor of Shadous is the long-a\vaited nevv book by Muhyiddin Shakoor. a contemporary American Sufi, who is also a psychotherapist and academic. currently teaching in Turkey as a visiting professor.İn his highly-acclaimed previous book. Writing on the Watex, vvhich has inspired thousands of readers. Shakoor offered a personal account of his first encounter vvith islam and his initial years on the Sufi path. Now, he continues his spiritual journey vvith Corridor ofShadows. İn this book. he relates to us vvith his fluent yet intricate style new iessons of life, each laden vvith wisdom and laced vvith wit.Corridor ofShadovvs invites us on a journey full ofjoys. embodied at times in a firefly, a star, and a rainbovv, and at times in solidarity and in standing up for truth and justice. it is also full of trials and tribulations like discrimiuation. betrayal. the loss of loved ones, nuclear threat and vvar. Through this journey. Shakoor shows us hovv everything \ve come across on our path, \vhether it be a source of joy or pain. can tura into signs that lead us into a higher. spiritual reality. Hovvever. \ve must be ready and vvilling to tura our gaze constantly tovvards the Higher Povver, as title of the book inspired by the follovving Qur"anic verse suggests: Hast thoıt not tıtrncd thy vision ro thy Lord? How He doth project the shado\v! (25:45).Corridor o/Shadows is a genuine affirmation of the spiritual significance of the journey called life. This book. not to be missed by spiritual seekers, is a "golden thread" meant to help us in our endeavor to escape the dark and narrovv confines of our esos and mundane lives...
"Ifyoıt cannot hear my gentle whispers then leî the harshlessons of life teach yon..."Corridor of Shadous is the long-a\vaited nevv book by Muhyiddin Shakoor. a contemporary American Sufi, who is also a psychotherapist and academic. currently teaching in Turkey as a visiting professor.İn his highly-acclaimed previous book. Writing on the Watex, vvhich has inspired thousands of readers. Shakoor offered a personal account of his first encounter vvith islam and his initial years on the Sufi path. Now, he continues his spiritual journey vvith Corridor ofShadows. İn this book. he relates to us vvith his fluent yet intricate style new iessons of life, each laden vvith wisdom and laced vvith wit.Corridor ofShadovvs invites us on a journey full ofjoys. embodied at times in a firefly, a star, and a rainbovv, and at times in solidarity and in standing up for truth and justice. it is also full of trials and tribulations like discrimiuation. betrayal. the loss of loved ones, nuclear threat and vvar. Through this journey. Shakoor shows us hovv everything \ve come across on our path, \vhether it be a source of joy or pain. can tura into signs that lead us into a higher. spiritual reality. Hovvever. \ve must be ready and vvilling to tura our gaze constantly tovvards the Higher Povver, as title of the book inspired by the follovving Qur"anic verse suggests: Hast thoıt not tıtrncd thy vision ro thy Lord? How He doth project the shado\v! (25:45).Corridor o/Shadows is a genuine affirmation of the spiritual significance of the journey called life. This book. not to be missed by spiritual seekers, is a "golden thread" meant to help us in our endeavor to escape the dark and narrovv confines of our esos and mundane lives...