In 'Chain of Fire' Beverly Naidoo tells the story of a young girl's increasing involvement in the struggle of black South Africans to survive under apartheid: the political system that segregated black South Africans and other peoples of 'coloured' descent from white South Africans. But it was not until 1990 that a gradual dismantling of apartheid began, followed by the release of Nelson Mandela who had been sentenced to life imprisonment since 1964 as an activist for the ANC (African National Congress).
In 'Chain of Fire' Beverly Naidoo tells the story of a young girl's increasing involvement in the struggle of black South Africans to survive under apartheid: the political system that segregated black South Africans and other peoples of 'coloured' descent from white South Africans. But it was not until 1990 that a gradual dismantling of apartheid began, followed by the release of Nelson Mandela who had been sentenced to life imprisonment since 1964 as an activist for the ANC (African National Congress).