Deltas Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test Advanced Skill Practice is designed specifically for the new version of the test. The course provides ample practice in the English skills evaluated by the new test, along with useful strategies and practical ideas for individual, pair and group activities.
Reading and Listening content includes explanation of new item types, such as questions about pragmatics, paraphrasing, and summarizing information from across a text.Speaking and Writing content includes practice in integrated-skills tasks, such as developing a topic, taking notes, and connecting information from two sources.
Focus-An opening exercise to focus attention, activate prior learning, and stimulate inductive thinking
Do You Know...?-A description of a specific skill in reading, listening, speaking, or writing that defines relevant concepts, provides sample questions, explains ansers, and identifies useful test strategies
Practice-Sets of practice questions to foster ease with TOEFL Test form and content, challenge students to apply their skills, adn build skill retention
Extension-Classroom activities that promote cooperation, stimulate discussion, extend skill practice, guide peer review, and link the classroom with the real world
Progress-Thirty-four timed quizzes simulating parts of the TOEFL Test, with each quiz evaluating the skills studied in one or more units
Deltas Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test Advanced Skill Practice is designed specifically for the new version of the test. The course provides ample practice in the English skills evaluated by the new test, along with useful strategies and practical ideas for individual, pair and group activities.
Reading and Listening content includes explanation of new item types, such as questions about pragmatics, paraphrasing, and summarizing information from across a text.Speaking and Writing content includes practice in integrated-skills tasks, such as developing a topic, taking notes, and connecting information from two sources.
Focus-An opening exercise to focus attention, activate prior learning, and stimulate inductive thinking
Do You Know...?-A description of a specific skill in reading, listening, speaking, or writing that defines relevant concepts, provides sample questions, explains ansers, and identifies useful test strategies
Practice-Sets of practice questions to foster ease with TOEFL Test form and content, challenge students to apply their skills, adn build skill retention
Extension-Classroom activities that promote cooperation, stimulate discussion, extend skill practice, guide peer review, and link the classroom with the real world
Progress-Thirty-four timed quizzes simulating parts of the TOEFL Test, with each quiz evaluating the skills studied in one or more units