Dear Reader,
You are holding a book in which reasons are questioning in the light of holyscriptures, our cumulative moral treasures, and our ability to reason. Are youready to go on a journey to search for the Super Human on the seven routes ofAncient Anatolia? Who knows, perhaps, you will find it on the final page of thisbook. You will continue reading within your soul, the journey which you startedon the first page of this book. Passing through your throat, reaching to yourheart, the lost temples of Anatolia will be resurrected in your mind. There's notime to lose. Lets Start
Dear Reader,
You are holding a book in which reasons are questioning in the light of holyscriptures, our cumulative moral treasures, and our ability to reason. Are youready to go on a journey to search for the Super Human on the seven routes ofAncient Anatolia? Who knows, perhaps, you will find it on the final page of thisbook. You will continue reading within your soul, the journey which you startedon the first page of this book. Passing through your throat, reaching to yourheart, the lost temples of Anatolia will be resurrected in your mind. There's notime to lose. Lets Start