Our book, which was prepared under the surveillance of expert educators, is primarily for the kindergarten andfor the first and second grades of primary school. Our book has been prepared on the question “How can childrenbe educated by combining mind and heart?” In the book, the first of the five components of EQ (EmotionalIntelligence), which is as important as IQ in today's world, is told to our children with a story: Recognizing ouremotions, being able to notice the messages our emotions give. Because of it is aimed for our children to learn byhaving fun and more permanently, the concepts related to our emotions are given with mind and intelligencegames and robotic codifications. Our book aims at cognitive acquisitions such as acquiring concept informationsuch as numbers and shapes, do analysis, evaluation, problem solving, to decide, multidimensional thinking,developing different perspectives, focusing, concentration, acquire formal and visual perception skills, spatialperception, algorithm, supporting arithmetic and literacy development. In addition self-confident, following therules, patient, taking responsibility, affective gains such as raising individuals who continue to struggleundeterred in the unsucces, hand-eye coordination, psychomotor gains such as improving attention skills areaimed. Hereby our book that will guide our teachers, students and parents, our children will both have a lot of funand learn.
IT SHOULD NOT FORGETTEN THAT; there is only one truth that scientific research on success hasreached: Successful people are those who can make decisionsBY COMBINING THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS.
Our book, which was prepared under the surveillance of expert educators, is primarily for the kindergarten andfor the first and second grades of primary school. Our book has been prepared on the question “How can childrenbe educated by combining mind and heart?” In the book, the first of the five components of EQ (EmotionalIntelligence), which is as important as IQ in today's world, is told to our children with a story: Recognizing ouremotions, being able to notice the messages our emotions give. Because of it is aimed for our children to learn byhaving fun and more permanently, the concepts related to our emotions are given with mind and intelligencegames and robotic codifications. Our book aims at cognitive acquisitions such as acquiring concept informationsuch as numbers and shapes, do analysis, evaluation, problem solving, to decide, multidimensional thinking,developing different perspectives, focusing, concentration, acquire formal and visual perception skills, spatialperception, algorithm, supporting arithmetic and literacy development. In addition self-confident, following therules, patient, taking responsibility, affective gains such as raising individuals who continue to struggleundeterred in the unsucces, hand-eye coordination, psychomotor gains such as improving attention skills areaimed. Hereby our book that will guide our teachers, students and parents, our children will both have a lot of funand learn.
IT SHOULD NOT FORGETTEN THAT; there is only one truth that scientific research on success hasreached: Successful people are those who can make decisionsBY COMBINING THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS.