The Senshi arrow flashed downward, heading directly for the emperor. Will flicked his bow at it, caught it, and deflected, it from its course. The arrowhead screeched on the hard, rocky ground and the arrow skittered away. Even Halt took a second to be impressed. "My god!" he said. "How did you do that?" Then, realizing that there was no more time for talking, he shot the Senshi bowman.
The Senshi arrow flashed downward, heading directly for the emperor. Will flicked his bow at it, caught it, and deflected, it from its course. The arrowhead screeched on the hard, rocky ground and the arrow skittered away. Even Halt took a second to be impressed. "My god!" he said. "How did you do that?" Then, realizing that there was no more time for talking, he shot the Senshi bowman.