Note: College Board has discontinued the SAT Subject Tests in the US. The tests will be available outside the US in June 2021 and then be discontinued.
Barron's SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 with 5 Practice Tests features in-depth review of all topics on the exam and full-length practice tests in the book and online.
This edition includes:
Comprehensive review of all topics on the test, including: arithmetic, algebra, plane geometry, solid and coordinate geometry, trigonometry, functions and their graphs, probability and statistics, real and imaginary numbers, and logic
Three full-length practice tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 exam in length, question types, and degree of difficulty
Two full-length online practice tests with answer explanations and automated scoring
The most important test-taking strategies students need to know to succeed on this exam
Note: College Board has discontinued the SAT Subject Tests in the US. The tests will be available outside the US in June 2021 and then be discontinued.
Barron's SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 with 5 Practice Tests features in-depth review of all topics on the exam and full-length practice tests in the book and online.
This edition includes:
Comprehensive review of all topics on the test, including: arithmetic, algebra, plane geometry, solid and coordinate geometry, trigonometry, functions and their graphs, probability and statistics, real and imaginary numbers, and logic
Three full-length practice tests that reflect the actual SAT Subject Test: Math Level 1 exam in length, question types, and degree of difficulty
Two full-length online practice tests with answer explanations and automated scoring
The most important test-taking strategies students need to know to succeed on this exam