The emotional skills that these stories intend to give your children are: -to express negative feelings with healthy and harmonious behaviour: anger, jealousy, undervalued, disappointment, despair, separation anxiety, pessimism- depression, ridiculed, belittled and fear. -to express positive feelings and nurture them; conscience and compassion; responsibility, empathy, patience and trust. -to solve problems with patience and calmness in the times of conflict. ...then we invite you to the books that will conquer your child's world with its stories, and will encourage them to love books and reading in the fun world of our cute hero, Tali.
The emotional skills that these stories intend to give your children are: -to express negative feelings with healthy and harmonious behaviour: anger, jealousy, undervalued, disappointment, despair, separation anxiety, pessimism- depression, ridiculed, belittled and fear. -to express positive feelings and nurture them; conscience and compassion; responsibility, empathy, patience and trust. -to solve problems with patience and calmness in the times of conflict. ...then we invite you to the books that will conquer your child's world with its stories, and will encourage them to love books and reading in the fun world of our cute hero, Tali.