My unhappy boy, dressed only in his shirt and trousers, was standing beside the light, holding the coronet in his hands. At my cry he dropped it, and turned. I took it up and examined it. One of the gold corners, with three of the beryls, was missing. The "Tiydem English Language Club" series includes classical and contemporary literary works adapted for the purpose of teaching English. Designed to help learners of English the "Tiydem English Language Club" series of books start with 300 basics words at the first level increasing to 3000 words at the sicth level. - Stage 6 - 3000 words - Stage 5 - 2000 words - Stage 4 - 1500 words - Stage 3 - 900 words - Stage 2 - 600 words - Stage 1 - 300 words
My unhappy boy, dressed only in his shirt and trousers, was standing beside the light, holding the coronet in his hands. At my cry he dropped it, and turned. I took it up and examined it. One of the gold corners, with three of the beryls, was missing. The "Tiydem English Language Club" series includes classical and contemporary literary works adapted for the purpose of teaching English. Designed to help learners of English the "Tiydem English Language Club" series of books start with 300 basics words at the first level increasing to 3000 words at the sicth level. - Stage 6 - 3000 words - Stage 5 - 2000 words - Stage 4 - 1500 words - Stage 3 - 900 words - Stage 2 - 600 words - Stage 1 - 300 words