By Behich Ozevlat (author) As a person who has gained a wide experience in life, in mar-riage years, wouldlike to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with my valuable readers. Marriage startswith love and of course for love to survive there are cer-tain rules that has to be followed. A young girlseeking love and happiness would inevitably leave her parents and lay trust in a man hoping that she hasmade the right choice. She has expectations from the man and hopes that he would value her, to be protectedin good and bad days and as the years advance to be more content in being with each other. If and when
death strikes and your love is gone and if you have lived your life correctly and with values, you would feelthe peace upon which you deserve. If on the other hand you have not, then you would experience thesuffering of remorse but it is too late to make any amend-ments. In short, be a man! Express the love as itshould be and live your life as one ought to do.
By Behich Ozevlat (author) As a person who has gained a wide experience in life, in mar-riage years, wouldlike to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings with my valuable readers. Marriage startswith love and of course for love to survive there are cer-tain rules that has to be followed. A young girlseeking love and happiness would inevitably leave her parents and lay trust in a man hoping that she hasmade the right choice. She has expectations from the man and hopes that he would value her, to be protectedin good and bad days and as the years advance to be more content in being with each other. If and when
death strikes and your love is gone and if you have lived your life correctly and with values, you would feelthe peace upon which you deserve. If on the other hand you have not, then you would experience thesuffering of remorse but it is too late to make any amend-ments. In short, be a man! Express the love as itshould be and live your life as one ought to do.