What is the Purpose of Creation? The Seed of The Woman Series 2

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What is the Purpose of Creation?
What is the Purpose of Creation? The Seed of The Woman Series 2

Everyone wants to live a happy life - that is why he strives to gain wealth, honor, power, family, academic achievement, good health, etc.. But what one obtains from these things of the world is like a mirage. The worldly happiness is only transitory and not of eternal nature. Human beings strive to grasp this elusive happiness, only to fall down exhausted. At the end of the day when man is about to depart this life, he realizes and confesses that "life is futile."

Then what makes a Christian's life truly happy? The answer is to live according to the Creator's purpose of creation. God created the world so that He will receive praise and glory. Since the purpose of creating us was such, we human beings can only be truly happy when we live according to this purpose of creation. Because this happiness is directly given by our Creator God, this joy from God is beyond human expression, and it is great, profound and eternal.

Everyone wants to live a happy life - that is why he strives to gain wealth, honor, power, family, academic achievement, good health, etc.. But what one obtains from these things of the world is like a mirage. The worldly happiness is only transitory and not of eternal nature. Human beings strive to grasp this elusive happiness, only to fall down exhausted. At the end of the day when man is about to depart this life, he realizes and confesses that "life is futile."

Then what makes a Christian's life truly happy? The answer is to live according to the Creator's purpose of creation. God created the world so that He will receive praise and glory. Since the purpose of creating us was such, we human beings can only be truly happy when we live according to this purpose of creation. Because this happiness is directly given by our Creator God, this joy from God is beyond human expression, and it is great, profound and eternal.

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